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VroniPlag Wiki

Graf Isolan
Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 6, Zeilen: 22-33
Quelle: Dreger 2003
Seite(n): 3-4, Zeilen: S.4,1-10.22-24
Zu den Induktoren der Myokardhypertrophie zählen heute besonders das Endothelin-1, ein Vasokonstriktor, und α1-adrenerge Agonisten (z. B. Phenylephrin [SUGDEN und BOGOYEVITCH, 1996; FEDIDA et al., 1993; TERZIC et al., 1993; van BILSEN, 1997]), sowie Angiotensin II, eine der wirksamen Komponenten des Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-Systems, welches nicht direkt, sondern über die Freisetzung parakriner Faktoren Hypertrophie-auslösend wirkt (KIM et al., 1995; ITO & HIRATA et al., 1993). Weiter sind Wachstumsfaktoren (z. B. Fibroblast growth factor [PARKER et al., 1990], Insulin-like growth factor [ITO & HIROE et al., 1993; LEVANDERO et al., 1998]) und Zytokine (z. B. Transforming growth factor β [VILLARREAL et al., 1992; BOLUYT et al., 1994], Cardiotrophin-1 [WOLLERT et al., 1996]) zu nennen. Als weitere Mechanismen konnten Dehnung (KOMURO et al., 1991), Hypoxie (ITO & ADACHI et al., 1996) und Zell-Zell-Kontakt (CLARK et al., 1998) identifiziert werden.

Boluyt MO, O´Neill L, Meredith AL, Bing OH, Brooks WW, Conrad CH, Crow MT, Lakatta EG Alterations in cardiac gene expression during the transition from stable hypertrophy to heart failure. Marked upregulation of genes encoding extracellular matrix components. Circ Res, 1994, 75(1), 23-32

Clark WA, Decker ML, Behnke-Barclay M, Janes DM, Decker RS Cell contact as an independent factor modulating cardiac myocyte hypertrophy and survival in long-term primary culture. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 1998, 30(1), 139-155

Fedida D, Braun AP, Giles WR Alpha 1-adrenoceptors in myocardium: functional aspects and transmembrane signaling mechanisms. Physiol Rev, 1993, 73(2), 469-487

Ito H, Adachi S, Tamamori M, Fujisaki H, Tanaka M, Lin M, Akimoto H, Marumo F, Hiroe M Mild hypoxia induces hypertrophy of cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes: a possible endogenous endothelin-1-mediated mechanism. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 1996, 28(6), 1271-1277

Ito H, Hirata Y, Adachi S, Tanaka M, Tsujino M, Koike A, Nogami A, Marumo F, Hiroe M Endothelin-1 is an autocrine/paracrine factor in the mechanism of angiotensin II-induced hypertrophy in cultured rat carrdiomyocytes. J Clin Invest, 1993, 92(1), 398-403

Ito H, Hiroe M, Hirata Y, Tsujino M, Adachi S, Shichiri M, Koike A, Nogami A, Marumo F Insulin-like growth factor-I induces hypertrophy with enhanced expression of muscle specific genes in cultured rat cardiomyocytes. Circulation, 1993, 87(5), 1715-1721

Kim NN, Villarreal FJ, Printz MP, Lee AA, Dillmann WH Trophic effects of angiotensin II on neonatal rat cardiac myocytes are mediated by cardiac fibroblasts. Am J Physiol, 1995, 269(3 Pt 1), E426-437

Komuro I, Katoh Y, Kaida T, Shibazaki Y, Kurabayashi M, Hoh E, Takaku F, Yazaki Y Mechanical loading stimulates cell hypertrophy and specific gene expression in cultured rat cardiac myocytes. Possible role of protein kinase C activation. J Biol Chem, 1991, 266(2), 1265-1268

Levandero S, Foncea R, Perez V, Sapag-Hagar M Effect of inhibitors of signal transduction on IGF-1-induced protein synthesis associated with hypertrophy in cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. FEBS Lett, 1998, 422(2), 193-196

Parker TG, Packer SE, Schneider MD Peptide growth factors can provoke “fetal” contractile protein gene expression in rat cardiac myocytes. J Clin Invest, 1990, 85(2), 507-514

Sugden PH, Bogoyevitch MA Endothelin-1-dependent signalling pathways in the myocardium. Trends Cardiovasc Med, 1996, 6, 87-94

Terzic A, Puceat M, Vassort G, Vogel SM Cardiac alpha 1-adrenoceptors: an overview. Parmacol Rev, 1993, 45(2), 147-175

van Bilsen M Signal transduction revisited: recent developments in angiotensin II signaling in the cardiovascular system. Cardiovasc Res, 1997, 36(3), 310-322

Villarreal FJ, Dillmann WH Cardiac hypertrophy-induced changes in mRNA levels for TGF-beta 1, fibronectin, and collagen. Am J Physiol, 1992, 262(6 Pt 2), H1861-1866

Wollert KC, Taga T, Saito M, Narazaki M, Kishimoto T, Glembotski CC, Vernallis AB, Heath JK, Pennica D, Wood WI, Chien KR Cardiotrophin-1 activates a distinct form of cardiac muscle cell hypertrophy. Assembly of sarcomeric units in series VIA gp130/leukemia inhibitory factor receptor-dependent pathways. J Biol Chem, 1996, 271(16), 9535-9545

[Seite 3]

Als wichtigste hypertroph-wirkende Botenstoffe werden heute Endothelin-1, ein von Arterienendothelzellen gebildeter Vaso-

[Seite 4]

konstriktor, und α1-adrenerge Agonisten wie zum Beispiel Phenylephrin betrachtet (Sugden und Bogoyevitch 1996, Fedida et al. 1993, Terzic et al. 1993, van Bilsen 1997). Als Kandidat wird Angiotensin II diskutiert. Dieses physiologische Peptidhormon des Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-Systems wirkt zwar eindeutig Hypertrophie-auslösend, jedoch möglicherweise nicht direkt sondern durch die Freisetzung parakriner Faktoren (Ito, Hirata et al. 1993, Kim et al. 1995). Weitere Induktoren kardialer Hypertrophie finden sich unter den Wachstumsfaktoren (z. B. Fibro-blast growth factor [Parker et al. 1990], Insulin-like growth factor [Ito, Hiroe et al. 1993, Levandero et al. 1998]) und in der Gruppe der Zytokine (z. B. Interleukin-1β [Palmer et al. 1995], Cardiotrophin-1 [Wollert et al. 1996]).


Als weitere Mechanismen, mit denen Hypertrophie ausgelöst werden kann, konnten Dehnung (Komuro, Katoh et al. 1991), Hypoxie (Ito, Adachi et al. 1996) und Zell-Zell-Kontakt (Clark et al. 1998) identifiziert werden.

11. Clark WA, Decker ML, Behnke-Barclay M, Janes DM, Decker RS: Cell contact as an independent factor modulating cardiac myocyte hypertrophy and survival in long-term primary culture. Mol Cell Cardiol. 1998, 30 (1), S. 139-55.

18. Fedida D, Braun AP, Giles WR: Alpha 1-adrenoceptors in myocardium: functional aspects and transmembrane signaling mechanisms. Physiol Rev. 1993, 73 (2), S. 469-87.

35. Ito H, Adachi S, Tamamori M, Fujisaki H, Tanaka M, Lin M, Akimoto H, Marumo F, Hiroe M: Mild hypoxia induces hypertrophy of cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes: a possible endogenous endothelin-1-mediated mechanism. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1996, 28 (6), S. 1271-7.

36. Ito H, Hirata Y, Adachi S, Tanaka M, Tsujino M, Koike A, Nogami A, Murumo F, Hiroe M: Endothelin-1 is an autocrine/paracrine factor in the mechanism of angiotensin II-induced hypertrophy in cultured rat cardiomyocytes. J Clin Invest. 1993, 92 (1), S. 398-403.

37. Ito H, Hiroe M, Hirata Y, Tsujino M, Adachi S, Shichiri M, Koike A, Nogami A, Marumo F: Insulin-like growth factor-I induces hypertrophy with enhanced expression of muscle specific genes in cultured rat cardiomyocytes. Circulation. 1993, 87 (5), S. 1715-21.

42. Kim NN, Villarreal FJ, Printz MP, Lee AA, Dillmann WH: Trophic effects of angiotensin II on neonatal rat cardiac myocytes are mediated by cardiac fibroblasts. Am J Physiol. 1995, 269 (3 Pt 1), S. E426-37.

47. Komuro I, Katoh Y, Kaida T, Shibazaki Y, Kurabayashi M, Hoh E, Takaku F, Yazaki Y: Mechanical loading stimulates cell hypertrophy and specific gene expression in cultured rat cardiac myocytes. Possible role of protein kinase C activation. J Biol Chem. 1991, 266 (2), S. 1265-8.

50. Lavandero S, Foncea R, Perez V, Sapag-Hagar M: Effect of inhibitors of signal transduction on IGF-1-induced protein synthesis associated with hypertrophy in cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. FEBS Lett. 1998, 422 (2), S. 193-6.

74. Palmer JN, Hartogensis WE, Patten M, Fortuin FD, Long CS: Interleukin-1 beta induces cardiac myocyte growth but inhibits cardiac fibroblast proliferation in culture. J Clin Invest. 1995, 95 (6), S. 2555-64.

76. Parker TG, Packer SE, Schneider MD: Peptide growth factors can provoke "fetal" contractile protein gene expression in rat cardiac myocytes. J Clin Invest. 1990, 85 (2), S. 507-14.

98. Sugden PH, Bogoyevitch MA: Endothelin-1-dependent signaling pathways in the myocardium. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 1996, 6, S. 87-94.

105. Terzic A, Puceat M, Vassort G, Vogel SM: Cardiac alpha 1-adrenoceptors: an overview. Pharmacol Rev. 1993, 45 (2), S. 147-75.

111. van Bilsen M: Signal transduction revisited: recent developments in angiotensin II signaling in the cardiovascular system. Cardiovasc Res. 1997, 36 (3), S. 310-22.

117. Wollert KC, Taga T, Saito M, Narazaki M, Kishimoto T, Glembotski CC, Vernallis AB, Heath JK, Pennica D, Wood WI, Chien KR: Cardiotrophin-1 activates a distinct form of cardiac muscle cell hypertrophy. Assembly of sarcomeric units in series VIA gp130/leukemia inhibitory factor receptor-dependent pathways. J Biol Chem. 1996, 271 (16), S. 9535-45.


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(Graf Isolan)