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Polemix, Hindemith
Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 37, Zeilen: 5-10
Quelle: Mallig 2006
Seite(n): 79, Zeilen: 1ff
3.2. Liver

Fig. 4 shows the percentages of the varying severities of interstitial liver edema, which is characterized by the enlargement of the hepatic sinusoid. In all three groups, the livers were enlarged with low-grade edema. The highest portion of unaffected livers was found in the CCI group.

Mjm 3 Fig4

5.4.2 Leber


Abbildung 18 zeigt die prozentualen Anteile der verschiedenen Schweregrade des interstitiellen Leberödems innerhalb der Versuchsgruppen, welches sich als Erweiterung der Lebersinusoide darstellte. In allen drei Gruppen überwogen die Lebern mit geringgradiger Ödematisierung. Der größte Anteil an unauffälligen Lebern befand sich in der Schädelhirntrauma-Gruppe. [...]

CM Abbildung18


The same results are presented, although the Mallig (2006) is not mentioned anywhere and although a different population of experimental mice must have been used:

According to the source, n=9 for the CCI group and n=10 for the Fx-Shock group as well as the Poly group. In the paper different sample sizes are claimed. (n=18 for the CCI group and the Fx-Shock group as well as n=15 for the Poly group (see abstract)).

Those sample sizes are not consistent with the figures, in particular the 90% result for the Poly group.

(Hindemith) Schumann