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Angaben zur Quelle [Bearbeiten]

Autor     Giovanna Marziali, Edvige Perrotti, Ramona Ilari, Valentina Lulli, Eliana M Coccia, Rémy Moret, Lukas C Kühn, Ugo Testa, Angela Battistini
Titel    Role of Ets-1 in transcriptional regulation of transferrin receptor and erythroid differentiation
Zeitschrift    Oncogene
Verlag    2 Nature Publishing Group
Ausgabe    21
Jahr    2002
Nummer    52
Seiten    7933 – 7944
URL    http://www.nature.com/onc/journal/v21/n52/pdf/1205925a.pdf


Fußnoten    ja
Fragmente    1

Fragmente der Quelle:
[1.] Src/Fragment 021 01 - Diskussion
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2014-09-27 20:22:17 Kybot
Fragment, Marziali et al 2002, SMWFragment, Schutzlevel, Src, Verschleierung, ZuSichten

Untersuchte Arbeit:
Seite: 21, Zeilen: 1-18
Quelle: Marziali et al 2002
Seite(n): 8933, Zeilen: l. Spalte: vorletzte Zeile
[Ets] family of transcription factors comprising more than 30 different members sharing a highly conserved DNA binding motif termed the ETS domain and through this domain they bind to specific purine-rich DNA sequence containing a conserved motif of GGAA/T in the middle of ten base pairs of DNA and depending on which Ets transcription proteins are binding these flanking sequences are variable (Wasylyk et al, 1993).

These flanking sequences are variable and there is evidence that they help to determine which Ets proteins will bind (reviewed in Wasylyk et al., 1993; Wasylyk and Nordheim, 1997; Watson and Seth, 2000). Ets-1 is the founding member of the Ets family and was initially identified as the protooncogene corresponding to the v-Ets oncogene of the E26 leukemia virus. In humans, Ets-1 is expressed at high levels in proliferating vascular endothelial cells of the embryo and in blood vessels of the adult during angiogenesis (Wernert et al., 1992). In the hematopoietic system the analysis of targeted mutants has revealed an essential role for Ets-1 in the differentiation of all lymphoid cells; it was found to be essential for the development of functional NK cells (Barton et al., 1998) and for survival and maturation of B and T cell lineages (Bories et al., 1995; Muthusamy et al., 1995).

The Ets family of transcription factors, comprising more than 30 different members is characterized by the presence of an 85-aminoacid sequence termed the `Ets domain' that is highly conserved from lower metazoans to humans. Through this domain the Ets proteins bind to specific purine-rich DNA sequence containing a conserved core motif of GGAA/T in the middle of 10 base pairs (bp) of DNA. These flanking sequences are variable and there is evidence that they help to determine which Ets proteins will bind (reviewed in Wasylyk et al., 1993; Wasylyk and Nordheim, 1997; Watson and Seth, 2000). Ets-1 is the founding member of the Ets family and was initially identified as the protooncogene corresponding to the v-Ets oncogene of the E26 leukemia virus. In humans, Ets-1 is expressed at high levels in proliferating vascular endothelial cells of the embryo and in blood vessels of the adult during angiogenesis (Wernert et al., 1992). In the hematopoietic system the analysis of targeted mutants has revealed an essential role for Ets-1 in the differentiation of all lymphoid cells; it was found to be essential for the development of functional NK cells (Barton et al., 1998) and for survival and maturation of B and T cell lineages (Bories et al., 1995; Muthusamy et al., 1995).

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